Flower shoot

This is from a while ago, but I've only managed to edit them now.

Yes, I did just spend an entire Sunday doing hardly any work, study, or assignments. But, I guess I was productive? I took a phew photos out for an autumn-day out (featuring the brother), made some Anzac cookies, and edited a heap of photos. Also managed to fit in a long-overdue edit of footage from Med Camp. Wow, most productive when I procrastinate, yet again.

It feels good, to be honest. But it's been so long that I found myself kind of hesitating because I realised I forgot how to even operate some features of Photoshop :(

This photoshoot is from a while ago, and as you can probably tell, is a flower-themed one. Very, very flowery. But you can never have enough flowers! And I've always been a fan of them (as is CL).

It was a difficult photoshoot, not going to lie, because the weather was a bit of a pain. The cloudiness was good, but the rain made a lot of places wet and gross to navigate. But I guess the slight breeze was a nice addition! (This was also the same day we did the #MONOCHROME - navy installation)

Though a lot of our ideas fell through (quite literally, especially when we tried to have a shot of mid-air frangipanis falling), it was fun to do. I hadn't seen CL in ages as well (it's kind of hard when we're both at different stages in our lives) so it was a nice catch-up. And since she takes photos too, it makes it easier to communicate what I'm trying to say. No need to convert from photographer-speak to model-speak, I suppose!

A long time was spent collecting frangipanis from the floor.
Oh, the things we do for photography.
(None of the shots really worked out in the end either, whoops)
But, all in all, I'm proud of these shots! I guess it's just been so long since I've done anything, and a small voice inside of my head is starting to wonder if I still have it inside of me.

I did manage to go out and take some photos today but it's just... It doesn't feel quite the same as before. Maybe because I don't have enough time, or haven't put enough thought-power into producing creative and interesting shots.

Let's not think of it that way though -- In the meantime, I'm glad I even made enough time to pick up my camera again.

But to be honest, it's time for me to pick up my laptop and study hard because a new week of Uni is starting and assignments are rushing around too.

Not sure when the next update will be. I better stop this post before I explode from stress and guilt for procrastinating. Take care, everyone!

Paying homage to Margaret Zhang


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Hello! I'm a student from Australia. I like photography, am aspiring to be a Doctor, have fallen in love with many things that life has to offer, and hope to see more of it. I've been blogging for a while and over the years what it means to me has changed. Currently still trying to figure that out, but here I am in a weird hybridisation of photography, film, blogging, and the confusion of a young adult, you'll find me here writing about my experiences and life. Or whatever tickles my fancy. Whether that's entertaining or not is yours to decide. Stay hydrated, kids.