China Day 2

Today was a big day for me. The reasoning so was because ATAR was released today, so after waking up to several(at least five) separate dreams/nightmares of my ATAR (ranging from situations where I'd receive 99.95 to ones where I'd achieve quote below that), I finally checked it.

To be honest, having so many dreams about ATAR meant I woke up with the concept of reality and dream blurred together. I wasn't even sure whether I'd checked my ATAR already yet.
Man, I miss eating pigeon so much. It probably sounds strange to anyone who isn't Chinese or hasn't had it before, but I can assure you, it tastes wonderful.
Anyway, we went out to a local restaurant for afternoon yum cha. Not going to lie, it was very good.

Aaaaaand more food pics.

Portuguese egg tarts. 

I was struck by the pure greyness of China-- I had never really noticed it before, but it was so grey and bland. I also happened to be living in an area that was not as crowded (a private estate) so it felt quite lonely. The cold winds and weather were also a radical change. Altogether it made the environment seem a lot more like North Korea, than anything. I supposed it was accentuated by the men on security duty standing outside the gates.

After catching a taxi back into the heart of Guangzhou, I can tell you that things grew a lot more familiar. More colours, at least, and more people. More sounds of commotion. Even the taxi ride seemed oddly familiar.

You know China is your second home when you instantly know not to put your seatbelt on when you enter the backseat of a car. Usually this transition is difficult for me to remember or adjust to, but this time it was instantaneous. 

Perhaps I was too exhausted last night, but in the hazy daylight of the city, I noticed the skyscrapers. It's funny, in Sydney, such skyscrapers are not very common. Here, however, is an entirely other story.

Taken by my brother, actually

A clear sign of the prosperity of China.

Yes, China may have a booming economy, but everywhere you go, you can't escape the huge economic divide between its people. You'll find magnificent buildings, completely polished down to a shine with the brightest of lights and luxurious elevators, whilst a few thousand metres away, you'll be faced with mouldy and crumbling walls, a rank odour, and the occasional rat if you're lucky.

I'm only joking. You don't often see rats. 

Only sometimes, late at night, in desolated areas.
Perhaps im exaggerating, but the inequality is truly staggering. You have billionaires and beggers in the same city, and it's radical to be exposed to both.

The streets are still gross. Everywhere you go. The paths are permanently grey. Roads paved with gold? Hah, not here at all.
You also see rules broken left right and centre. Law states that only ladies and children sit at the passenger seat of taxis? Yeah nah. Only three people sitting in three seats of a car? Yeah nah. No smoking in this enclosed restaurant? Yeah nah.
It's something you learn to live with.
Traffic laws? What's that?

We decided to head off to the Chinese version of DFO. I can assure you, much shopping happened. Even though we were supposed to leave the bulk of shopping in Hong Kong. 

Poor photo, I know.

I purchased a pair of Pierre Cardin shoes, and a pair of Giordano jeans. Really starting to get into fashion a lot more (especially love the shoes!! I'm in love with shoes. Shoes, hats, and bags.)
Total cost: ¥329rmb + ¥169rmb (respectively), I.e., ~ $100 AUD

I also purchased a new frame for my glasses (finally, after 2.5 years of no change.) (not sure of the price; cost about 600 rmb for the reduced-thickness lens and the frame). Additionally, replaced the lenses in my sunnies (which I kept the frames of, because I love them -- STARKID -- although they're starting to deteriorate)

After that, we indulged in more food (EURGH my stomach) which makes me want to puke thinking about it, but in the moment it looked so good and tasty and I gave no consideration to the health effects. In hindsight, I could practically feel the fat clogging up my arteries.

And, as per tradition, we went to the hairdressers. We always go within the first few days, and this time was no exception.
It's been two years since I last did something extravagant to my hair, and I felt like a change. The hairdresser convinced me to do something more extreme with my hair so I did. I ended up dying it purple again, except a deeper colour, and generally with more 'bang'

It turned out a lot more purple than I intended it to be

Took a good three hours, but I'm really satisfied and I like it! Hopefully the colour doesn't wash out too soon! Though I know in a month or so it'll have toned down quite a bit.

Also, we bought an entire bag full of these citrus fruits, called satsuma (I had to google it). They're not found in Sydney, I don't think, but they're absolutely delicious and I love them so much. I swear, each trip to China, I probably eat around 40 of these babies in 1.5 weeks?

Needless to say, they were devoured very quickly, and replenishment of stocks was necessary.

I was really tired this day. Not sure why. Perhaps it's a mix of the change in temperature, alternative horrendous air quality, and the general exhaustion that comes with travelling, but I absolutely could not wait to jump into bed and just read.

Today was a big day. Not more so in the things that I did -- shopping and the hairdressers arent the most exciting things out there -- but more so with the ATAR and my constant dreams about it, language barriers and general hacking and gagging at the cigarette smoke, let's just say it was a challenging day. And I'm tired.
Day two, complete. In spite of it all, already, I don't want to leave.

A room in the apartment. Excuse the casual towel, pants, and GoPro equipment.


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Hello! I'm a student from Australia. I like photography, am aspiring to be a Doctor, have fallen in love with many things that life has to offer, and hope to see more of it. I've been blogging for a while and over the years what it means to me has changed. Currently still trying to figure that out, but here I am in a weird hybridisation of photography, film, blogging, and the confusion of a young adult, you'll find me here writing about my experiences and life. Or whatever tickles my fancy. Whether that's entertaining or not is yours to decide. Stay hydrated, kids.