Med Camp, Uni, and Updates

Life has been pretty crazy of recent. Not going to lie.

There's been a big change in a lot of things -- constant schedule changes, new faces and names, completely alternative expectations of basically everything.

It's weird how fast things changed. Three weeks ago I hadn't a clue of what University would be like. And then in a matter of three weeks time, we were all dumped into the deep end head-first.

Though, I exaggerate. It's been a fairly nice transition (which is still on-going).

It took a while to settle in, but I feel that I've really started to enjoy Uni and appreciate it.

Though high-school is but a distant memory, full of comfort and safety, I can say confidently that I wouldn't want to go back. I'm loving University -- though it is a challenge, it's a great place to be.

I've been quite busy of late, with a huge variety of things. That includes things like Med Camp, assignments, keeping up with Uni content, work, meeting new people, and photography.

It's meant that I've had to cut back on a lot of things, including table tennis and reading (oh no), and also a lot less 'casual' time. Instead, the three hours of public transport every day has sucked it all up.

Life's a bit all over the place, but I'm managing! And I'm learning. I feel like this entire thing has made me more independent (though, I've still got a far way to go).

Anyway, enough waffling on about my life.

Med-camp was a blast! Definitely no regrets going. I felt like I learned a lot about myself and about other people, and just really was able get to know them and make a few new friends.
Was a pretty good learning experience, in more ways than one (less on the academic side, more on the social side)

Trivia; We were the Carpel group.
Sadly, didn't win, but I like to think that we had the best time. It's all in the wrist, anyway.
Although the place we stayed at had pretty poor accommodation (the bathrooms were terrifying!), it was a really beautiful place. The landscape was gorgeous.

I do somewhat regret not taking as many photos as I'd liked to. I suppose the reason for that is because they had official photographers there, and also I wanted to just enjoy the time and experience myself, without having to worry about my camera.

It was a nice time.

Anyway, life is getting a bit busy, and no guarantees of next post, but I do have a few things planned sometime along the track.

Till then, a la prochaine!


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Hello! I'm a student from Australia. I like photography, am aspiring to be a Doctor, have fallen in love with many things that life has to offer, and hope to see more of it. I've been blogging for a while and over the years what it means to me has changed. Currently still trying to figure that out, but here I am in a weird hybridisation of photography, film, blogging, and the confusion of a young adult, you'll find me here writing about my experiences and life. Or whatever tickles my fancy. Whether that's entertaining or not is yours to decide. Stay hydrated, kids.