Recent Adventures: Kidneys, Maths, & Ice-Cream

Felt like an update;

Life's been pretty busy recently, and I haven't exactly gone anywhere exciting because it's the school term and exams are coming up.

But I've had a few things happen to me here and there. Nothing too exciting, but I figured I might as well dump some photos here.

Story #1

Last week (? or was it the week before) we had a kidney dissection in biology class. Pretty exciting!

It was a lot harder than expected to make a full clean cut through the kidney... Got a little impatient.
Maybe I shouldn't consider becoming a surgeon.
Would go into a lengthy biological explanation of the kidney and such, but this is not the place.
I really like dissections, actually.

Story #2

Been going to libraries very frequently the past week or so, and on Monday I went with a couple of friends, JG and HG. 

JG produces a really nice conics question, and so all of us being rather big math nerds, decided to give it a shot. We assign HG to tell us an important equation that is central to working out the question, so he works it out for us.

Except, HG works out the wrong formula.
We were too unbothered to check our books, and so we continued for 1.5 hours doing this one math question with the wrong formula.

Obviously, nothing worked out. We ended up proving the complete opposite of what the question was asking us to do, and we spent ages just racking our brains trying to figure out what was wrong.

Eventually, we realised, and we just all lost it.

JG recovering from the trauma, amidst the battle-field.

Story #3

Not much of a story, but went out to Baskin Robbins for ice-cream today with my friend MM

Decided to take up the challenge and buy 2 entire scoops instead of 1, even though I'd just had lunch.
Needless to say, I later regretted that decision. But it tasted good.

Strawberry cheesecake and Chocolate Turtle Truffle!
Really liked the strawberry cheesecake flavour, but then again, I just love cheesecake in general.

MM's ice cream. Love Potion #1.
Also, ooft dem nails.

Alright. That's a good-enough update for now.

Never fear. Holidays are almost here. More (exciting) stories soon.


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Hello! I'm a student from Australia. I like photography, am aspiring to be a Doctor, have fallen in love with many things that life has to offer, and hope to see more of it. I've been blogging for a while and over the years what it means to me has changed. Currently still trying to figure that out, but here I am in a weird hybridisation of photography, film, blogging, and the confusion of a young adult, you'll find me here writing about my experiences and life. Or whatever tickles my fancy. Whether that's entertaining or not is yours to decide. Stay hydrated, kids.