
So welcome to my newest blog.

I figured that it would be nice to blog about and document things that occur in the 'very exciting' life of me (it's the most exciting life I've ever lived so far, I can tell you that for sure) and go about lifelogging or whatever they call it.

It'll mostly consist of special events that occur, or some pictures.

I really want to take my camera around with me a lot more and capture the things around me, especially since the next 2 years of my life are sure to be ones of a lot of change and events which would be neat to capture.

No guarantees about posting, but we'll see where this leads me.

// NB: the posts found before this one are imported from my old photography blog.


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About Me

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Hello! I'm a student from Australia. I like photography, am aspiring to be a Doctor, have fallen in love with many things that life has to offer, and hope to see more of it. I've been blogging for a while and over the years what it means to me has changed. Currently still trying to figure that out, but here I am in a weird hybridisation of photography, film, blogging, and the confusion of a young adult, you'll find me here writing about my experiences and life. Or whatever tickles my fancy. Whether that's entertaining or not is yours to decide. Stay hydrated, kids.