Jumping self-portraits

Haven't done some jumping photography in a while.

I did originally plan to film something but I got lazy so did this instead AHAHA

Autumn season weather <3

Anyway, you don't understand how puffed out I got from repeatedly jumping over and over in this overcoat thing. It's demin, i.e., heavy.

Damnit focusing is still difficult, though I used the handy remote that a friend got me :'D Which truly helped. Meaning to return the favour to them but the thing hasn't arrived yet.

Anyway. Yay for mid-air photos!

Taken using the Nikon D7000 with the 35mm lens!


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Hello! I'm a student from Australia. I like photography, am aspiring to be a Doctor, have fallen in love with many things that life has to offer, and hope to see more of it. I've been blogging for a while and over the years what it means to me has changed. Currently still trying to figure that out, but here I am in a weird hybridisation of photography, film, blogging, and the confusion of a young adult, you'll find me here writing about my experiences and life. Or whatever tickles my fancy. Whether that's entertaining or not is yours to decide. Stay hydrated, kids.